Thursday, October 6, 2011

10 Tips for Finding Your Hidden Talents

You are not the only one looking for happiness and fulfillment in life. Studies show that most people are dissatisfied with their lives in some way or another, most often with their work. Rather than spend your life dwelling in unhappiness, why not find creative ways to develop emotionally and uncover things that you are good at, but perhaps don’t know it yet.

There are things you can do that can expose those hidden gems inside – those latent or forgotten talents waiting to be dug up . The following are 10 practical tips for helping you find your hidden talents.

1. Your hidden talents are a natural fit

When searching for fulfillment, don’t look for random things that don’t seem to fit your personality or interests. Pay attention to everything you do and notice what activities naturally lock in your focus. These things could be where your hidden talents lie.

2. Try different things

Try something new. Get out of your routine and think out of the box. If you can’t think of anything to do, browse around Google until you find an activity that you would like to try. The exposure to different things will help you discover what things stir your interest.

3. Motivate yourself to find your hidden talents

Stop excusing your unhappiness and start finding reasons to change and improve. Make a list of all the things you are losing because you have not found your hidden talents. Write down how much better life would be if you were engaged in things you find fulfilling. Look at your lists until you get motivated to find the real you.

4. Develop yourself

As you get closer to unearthing your hidden talents, develop yourself by learning the most about what you have found. Keep track of your developments and learn from your successes and pitfalls. As your knowledge develops you will be able to focus your attention better to fine tune your nascent talent.

5. See what comes out of necessity

People who need something badly will often use creative means to solve that equation. See what you do when you need to build or repair something without having the resources you need at hand. Follow your mind and it might just lead you to your hidden talents.

6. List your possibilities

As you reflect on your desire to develop through discovery of your hidden talents, make a list of whatever you think you might want to do. Be sure to include things that you used to do to but life got in the way, because your hidden talents may lie there.

7. Discover your weakness

Often we know more bad things about ourselves than we know good ones. Evaluate your personal flaws and see what areas of your personality and character need improvement. You don’t want to dwell on what’s wrong with you, but you want to know your weaknesses and work to improve them while you search for your hidden talents.

8. Listen to what others say

You don’t need to let other people direct your life, but if you hear someone say, “You’d make a good politician” or “You ought to be a teacher,” pay attention. Other people can often see things in us that we don’t recognize, so seriously consider what others happen to say.

9. Consider childhood cues

Remember when you were young, say in first or second grade? Maybe you knew back then exactly what you wanted to be when you grew up. Since then, people have told you that you can’t and you’ve been on a career path and life pathway that has left you unhappy. Remember what you wanted back then: it may be the key to your hidden talents.

10. Explore your frustrations

Notice what makes you angry and frustrated and then set forth to fix that condition. You’ll find fulfillment in solving your own problem, plus you can help others overcome that same frustration. Your calling might be to fix what’s wrong in your corner of the world.

Life is too short to spend it doing work you don’t enjoy. People are meant to be happy, but so many never develop into all that they can be. Follow these 10 tips for finding you hidden talents to get started finding that happiness to which you are entitled.

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