Monday, October 10, 2011

Master's In Electrical Engineering "SIGNAL PROCESSING" Specialization

Digital Singnal Processing

  • Twin Cities - University of Minnesota
  • University Of California, Los Angeles  
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Clemson University
  • Arizona State University
  • Penn State University
  • University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • Virginia Tech University
  • University Of Washington
  • University California San Diego
  • San Diego State University
  • University Of California - Santa Barbara
  • Rochester Institute Of Technology
  • University of Rochester
  1. There are Plenty of Jobs in "DSP".
  2. Graduating for a good university will be a huge advantage.
  1. This Course is offered in less universities, so the competition for this course is more. Be careful while choosing the University.
  2. Contact the professor if u want to do specialization in DSP. So that u can ask him about your specialization in this particular course.
Preferred Books For DSP:

  1. Understanding Digital Signal Processing (2nd Edition), Richard G. Lyons.
  2. Digital Communications, John Proakis.
  3. Probability and random processes with Applications to Signal Processing and Communications Scott L. Miller, Donald G. Childers.
For more info check the link below:

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