Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Master's In "Australia"

Hi guys,

             So many people are asking me to post the information about "Master's In Australia". So this post is dedicated to them . Hope you people like it .

Best Universities in Australia:

  1. University of New South Wales.
  2. Australian National University.
  3. The University of Sydney.
  4. The University of Melbourne
About Education in Australia:

                       The style of education in Australian universities is different from many other countries. In Australia, the teacher indicates a subject to be studied(on the Internet or by book- note that in the Uni Internet is free, and most face-to-face lessons are only to ask questions about you have already studied). There are lots of “assignments” i.e. essays that are written by you about a pre-determined subject. So instead of studying, you will write and defend one idea about the topic researched. Masters and Post graduate courses have less and less lessons and more debates. Many courses are done in special rooms,
                      Approximately there are 40 universities in Australia which provide quality higher education. It also has some advantages like you can choose your preferred Specialization in a particular course. Universities will receive good funding from the Government and what more important is you can do job for 20 hours a week from the day you enter into Australia.

                     For those students who didn’t finish their studies, you can still enter a university in Australia. If you have a good level of English, you can enroll in a Foundation course. The majority of universities offer this course. They are usually a one year course, and if finish it successfully, you will be able to attend the university.

In Post-Graduate we get all the below degrees,
  • Master's Degree.
  • Doctorate Degree.
  • Graduate Diploma.
  • Graduate Certificates.                                  
                The fees for international students are slightly higher than for the natives. The amount depends on the course and university. Approximately, the fees can range between AUD 11,000 and AUD 20,000 per year. 

Requirements For Getting Into a University:
  • On a Scale 4.0, Australian universities require 2.5 to 3.0gpa to get into a good university.
  • For business programs, some of the top institutions for MBA demand a GMAT score while others do not. In any case, it is an added advantage to have completed this examination with good results, so that you may get into a top university with a good GMAT score.
  • TOEFL and IELTS scores are required by almost all Australian universities showing a proof of proficiency in the English Language.But IELTS score is a compulsory to get visa.
  • All International students must register for "Student Health Insurance".
  • IELTS score must be minimum 5.5 in each and every section.

There are many hostels, shared rooms, Private Boarding, Home Stay.
  • Home-stay: This also known as farm stay where students are allotted a certain family that provides them with food and shelter. These can be single or shared rooms as per convenience and budget. It may cost between AUD 150 and 200 per week. 
  • Private Boarding: This similar to the above, but here students arrange and negotiate for the prices themselves. 
  • Hostels: There are a number of organizations that run hostels in Australia. They have inbuilt kitchen facilities and can cost AUD 80 to AUD 120 per week.
  • Shared and Rental Accommodations: These housing facilities may cost from AUD 70 to AUD 150 per week.
  • University Apartments and Residence Halls: They may range from AUD 130 to AUD 250 per week. 

Check the link to know about the job aspects:


For Computer Science details check the below Google Docs:


  "Just Work Hard" - You can get job anywhere in this World !!!

All The Best For Students Going For their Higher Education.   

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