Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Master's in "Civil Engineering"

What is Civil Engineering?

          Civil engineering is the oldest branch of the profession of engineering after military engineering. Many of the important things in our lives that we take for granted are the product of civil engineering.

    "Civil Engineers give us Quality of Life

Specializations in Civil Engineering:

  • Structural Engineering Specialization:
The construction of the dams and power stations that provide the electricity we use every day requires civil engineers.
In this field many people may get jobs as "Bridge Designer".

  • Transportation Engineering Specialization: 
        They design systems for controlling traffic to ensure effective and safe use of the road systems and strive to reduce the impact of roads and traffic on the environment.

  • Coastal Engineering Specialization:
        They design and maintain harbours, marinas, and coastal structures such as breakwaters, seawalls, and jetties. They are also concerned with the control of erosion, the study of waves and currents and their effect on coastal structures and with pollution of the coastal waters.
  •  Environmental Engineering Specialization:
         Environmental engineers (including Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineers, Civil Engineers, Chemical and Petroleum Engineers and Geomatics Engineers) have a direct impact on the everyday life of the average person. They apply scientific theories and principles to minimize our impact on the environment. They provide safe water, protect the environment and habitat, manage waste and ensure sustainable development.
  •  Geotechnical Engineering Specialization:
         Geotechnical engineering is a discipline of civil engineering that deals with soil, rock and underground water, and their relation to design, construction and operation of engineering projects. It is also sometimes called soils engineering, ground engineering or geotechnics as it is closely related to engineering geology.
  • Materials Engineering Specialization:
Materials Engineering as a sub-discipline of Civil Engineering is primarily concerned with the development of new or improved materials for constructing Civil Engineering structures such as buildings, bridges, roads, sewers, dams, airports, etc. Materials engineers are also involved in design of materials and methods to repair existing structures that may be damaged due to, for example, attack by our aggressive environment, structural overload, earthquakes, storms, etc.
         Water resources engineers are concerned with the problems associated with the use and control of water.

          Water resources engineering is the profession that is responsible for the planning, development and management of water resources. From estimating the amount of water available to designing the physical and non-physical infrastructure needed to meet the water needs of society and the environment, civil engineers play a central role within a multi-disciplinary team. To ensure access to clean safe drinking water, civil engineers design, build and manage the water intakes, the water treatment plants and the network of pipes that convey water to your tap. Civil engineers use state-of-the-art technologies to treat domestic and industrial wastewaters before discharging treated water back into the environment. Civil engineers also devise physical (dams, dikes) and non-physical (flood forecasting) solutions to minimize the threat to lives and property due to flooding.

Check the Below link to know the universities offering civil engineering:
For Jobs check the below link(There are plenty jobs in civil engineering field):     


All the best for Civil Engineering People. Hope they have a huge success ans serve INDIA.

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